Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trench Journal-Self-Reflection

I enjoyed this project because it allowed for creativity integrated into technology. We were given a format but it wasn’t completely structured and we were given some leeway with what we wanted. We didn’t have to adhere to a definite format. We were also given the choice of the way we wanted to do it, whether we wanted to do it online or by hand, which I believe made us feel like we had a little more control and a little more freedom.
I do believe that my work reflects my learning because I enjoyed writing as if I were one of the soldiers that had to fight for their country in one of the worst wars of the age, and because I enjoyed it I was more willing to learn and didn’t fight it because I wanted to know.
I learned that I have more of an interest in history than I thought. I really enjoyed reading about the Schlieffen plan and the strategy behind it. I liked how they took into account all the different aspects of the countries, how Russia couldn’t mobilize quickly because of their poor railway conditions and how they could use the Belgium railways for supply lines once they conquered it. I was really interested in how a few changes in the plan could completely change its effectiveness.
War is a deadly business, and the people who start it are not the ones who die. It is the innocents, the people who are swept up by their country for reasons they don’t understand because nobody bothered to explain them to them. War is a disease, and it spreads. Wars are fought because of the pettiness of mankind and their unwillingness to concede that they may be wrong. Whole generations are wiped out because of wars. But is suppose in a way they serve a purpose, they thin out the population. Humans hunt everything, even each other. I suppose that is the bane of being the dominant species, there is no one to maintain our population so we find way s to do it for ourselves.

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